Waste & Energy Expo 20, 21 & 22 December 2019 at Wings Convention Centre, Royapettah, Chennai

Chennai, 20th Dec 2019: WASTE & ENERGY Expo 2019, is a one of its kind of exhibition happening for the 1st time in Chennai city. It is a large gathering of waste generators including industries, government and general public on the one hand and waste management, energy and environment conscious solution providers on the other hand. The demand for innovations in waste management, renewable energy and environmental protection has been growing phenomenally, hence the need for an exhibition to serve as a meeting ground between the technology providers and users. The exhibition is scheduled for 20, 21 & 22 December at Wings Convention Centre, ROYAPETTAH, Chennai.

Supporters & Partners:

Swachh Bharat I Kuppaikaaran I Greater Chennai Corporation I ExNoRa International I MSME I NSIC I The Hindu I IWMA (Industrial Waste Management Association) I CI-TIC (Chennai Innovation and Technology Incubation Centre) I TREC-STEP I YI ( Young Indians) I CoEUSWM (Centre of Excellence in Urban Solid Waste Management) I Climate Collective I Phycospectrum Environmental Research Centre (PERC) EarthRecycler

Highlights of the Exhibition:

1. Participation of Scientists & Researchers in a panel discussion

2. New Innovations for Domestic & Industrial Waste Recycle

3. Perfect platform to meet and interact with companies across India

4. Fuel Less Power generation innovative concept

Panel Discussion

As part of the exhibition, a panel discussion on topics such as waste management, microalgae-based treatment technologies for handling industrial effluents, water conservancy, waste water management, non motorized transport (e vehicles), biogas, composting, solar based recycling technology, sewage water treatment, alternative energy, hazardous waste treatment /storage and disposal facilities, fuel less power generation, restoration of polluted ponds / lakes and preserving improving the green cover of Chennai will be held under the aegis of distinguished personalities who promote waste management and environmental conservation

Eminent Panelists

 Dr. Mathusudhan Reddy IAS, Deputy Commissioner (Health) Greater Chennai Corporation

 Dr V Sivasubramanian, Director , PERC (Phycospectrum Environmental Research Centre)

 Dr. Abdul Rahman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Engineering College

 Thiru Ponraj Vellaichamy, ADA Scientist and Technical Advisor to Late His Excellency A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

 Dr. M Mathisekaran, Non – Executive Independent Director of Care Ratings & Economic Adviser

 Dr. S. Rajamani, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Expert in Environmental Engineering

 Thiru Steve Borgia, Chairman & Managing Director of INDeco Leisure Hotels

 DR. Srinivas Bhaskar Chaganti, Pioneer in Pollution-Free Green Energy Generation and Storage Concepts

 Members from IWMA- The Industrial, Waste Management Association

The organizers, Buysell Interactions Private Limited have an established market presence over the last 19 years with 150 plus trade exhibitions across India for various industries. The Waste and Energy expo has been conceived and executed Identifying the need of the hour. The Event partners, Kuppaikaaran Waste Management Pvt Ltd believe that nothing is waste and nature is the biggest example for a  circular economy.

The show promotional materials / posters / entry tickets / newsletters / brochures enclosed for reference.

For further details contact:

Buysell Interactions Private Limited, Chennai

+91 90420 32366 / 67 ; info@buysellint.biz

Author: ADmiNIstRAtoR

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