The only thing that is on the minds of the people currently is the outbreak of the coronavirus and the ongoing lockdown that the entire nation is facing to curb it. Everyone from politicians, film stars, business tycoons to the mango people are in self-quarantine to stop the spread of the virus.
The spread of COVID-19 has hit a lot of people and be it treatment or the need for healthcare facilities like the distribution of masks is somewhere lacking still. To make sure it fastens, several celebs have been contributing to the PM-CARES Fund & Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund, Tamil Nadu.

Mean while Sathyabama deemed university donated Rs.50 lakh to PM-CARES Fund & Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund, Tamil Nadu.

Dr.Mariazeena Johnson, Chancellor of Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Deemed to be University donated Rs.25 Lakh to PM-CARES Fund and Rs. 25 Lakh to Chief Minister’s Public Relief Fund, Tamil Nadu. The donation is facilitated to the government COVID-19 relief fund. The money transferred through bank in view of lock down.

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