EAT (EATALLTIME) India’s first on-demand home food delivery app is conducting a meet and greet event on Sunday at Bungalow 12, Adayar. Here’s a chance to meet Chennai’s favourite foodies, home chefs and a mouth-watering presentation of home cooked meal with recipes from Grandma’s Kitchen to self-taught home Chefs and home makers with a flair for simple delicious home cooked meals. This will be a free walk-in event.
For any further information please contact +91 8113067136
Date: Sunday, 29th September 2019
Time: 10.30 am onwards
Venue: Bungalow 12, Adayar

EATALLTIME is a web/mobile based application which is a dynamic home food delivery marketplace where users can order and get delivered the right food at affordable prices right to their doorstep. At the back end, the food is directly cooked by authentic EAT homemakers, who cook for the users just like they do for their sons and daughters. EAT works towards bringing in an independent source of income for every homemaker. Homemakers are one of the most unvalidated section of our society. EAT works towards making every single one of them entrepreneurs.
Users can order and gets delivered within minutes, their native regional home food, directly from homes around them. It is a completely data-driven tech product that bridges the gap between the supply and demand of food. The self-constructed algorithms at the back is built to take care of the quality of every single order placed on the portal. EAT started off with the idea of extending the love a mother has for her sons and daughters, right out to the world, which is today connected by technology at every nook and corner. So be it a day you miss home, a day you forgot to bring your lunch or even a day when you are lazy to cook you can now order straight out of a home kitchen. The kitchens on the menu cook the same food for their families so you can be rest assured it is cooked in the most hygienic and healthy way and who knows you could have a little surprise or two during the holiday season
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