GTA Vidhya Mandir, Neelankarai, ECR, Chennai, celebrated its 10th Annual Day, Reflexionz 2019, on Saturday, 23rd November 2019 at the KamarajarArangam, Teynampet, Chennai. The event unfolded with the lighting of the lamp and a prayer song by the school choir. The Principal, Mrs. Rama J Sudev presented the annual report highlighting the achievements of the academic year. Dr.Ananthakrishnan Sivaraman, Robotics Surgeon, Chennai Urology &Robotics Institute was the Chief Guest for the first session;
Mr.Chandramohan, President & Group CFO, TAFE Ltd., Chairman –CII, TN State Council was the Chief Guest &Mr. APJML Sheik Dawood, Managing Trustee, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Foundation was the Guest of Honour for the second session. The other dignitaries who graced the occasion were Mr.Bharat K Doshi, Correspondent and Secretary, GT Group of Institutions, Mr. Pravin Doshi, Managing Trustee, GT Group, Mr. Arvind Doshi and Mr.Jithendra Doshi, Directors, GT Group, Dr. Shyamala, Academic Dean and Mr. Ramakrishnan, General Manager Operations, GTGI.
It was a moment of pride when students were awarded prizes for their achievements in curricular and co-curricular activities, amid thunderous applause from the audience. The GT Educational Trust sponsored ‘Mr.&Mrs.Kantilal Doshi Endowment Scholarships’ were given away to the deserving students . The teaching & non teaching staff were recognized and awarded for their dedicated service. The KG and Primary sections took over the stage in the first session and ruled the hearts of the audience by performing dances, drama, and music, which focused on creating awareness on socially relevant topics like No Plastic, Go Green, A Tribute to Grandparents, etc.
The post lunch session was filled with breathtaking performances by the senior students. Plays were enacted in English, Tamil, Hindi and Samskritham. The surprise events by the School Alumni and the dance by teachers were the highlights of the show. The programme which showcased the creative talent of GTA Vidhya Mandir will be long remembered for its class, style and tradition.

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