Lions Clubs International has completed 100 years of service to the humanity all over the world as a Non-Government Organization and keeps on involving in various service activities to the upliftment of poor and needy people.
As a part of this great organization Lions District 324 A1 is functioning in Chennai and Lions Club of Chennai Phoenix, a member club in this District, along with Lions Club of Garden City in District 308A1 of Singapore jointly donating Electric Couches and accessories to the Cancer affected children in the Day Care Centre at the Department of Hematology in the Institute of Child Health, Egmore, Chennai at a function to be held at the hospital on 10.12.2019.
The above function will be in the presence of the Director of Medical Education, the Dean, Madras Medical College, the Director &Superintendent of the said Children hospital and the District Governors of both Chennai Dist 324 A1 and Singapore Garden City Lions Club and many other Lion leaders.
Under the Lions International Presidents Project “Pediatric Cancer” & District Governor’s Thrust Area “SAVE CHILD FROM CANCER” of Lions District 324 A1, the Lions Club of Chennai Phoenix and Lions Club of Garden City District 308 A1 of Singapore have jointly conducted a service project at the Day Care Centre in the Department of Pediatric Hematology at the Institute of Child Health For Children, Egmore, Chennai by donating Electric Couches for the benefit of Cancer affected Children in the presence of Dr. R. Narayana Babu, Director, Medical Education, Govt.of Tamil Nadu, Dr.R.Jayanthi,Dean, Madras Medical College, Dr.Rema Chandramohan, Director & Superintendent and Dr.C Ravichandran of the said hospital,On the morning of 10th December, 2019
On 11th morning the above Lions Clubs are giving financial aid to Mc.Connel Wing at Adyar Cancer Institute, Gandhi Nagar, Chennai 20 in the august presence of Padma Vibhushan Dr.V.Shantha, Chairperson of the Cancer Institute. PMJF Lion K Jeganathan, District Governor, 324 A1 and PMJF Lion Gareth Goh Pem , District Governor 308 A1 Singapore, Ln.Lesa Gan, IInd Vice District Governor, Lions from Singapore Garden City,Lion Wendy Liw – President of Lions Club Garden City 308 -A1 Vice District Governors PMJF Lion.P.V. Prakash Kumar, PMJF.Lion.S.V.Manickam, PMJF.Ln.DR.K.S.Babai, Past District Governor, MJF.Lion.S.Bose, District Chairperson- Global Service Team, Lion Kumararaja President of Lions Club of Chennai Phoenix and Lion Wendy Liw, President of Lions Club of Garden City Singapore participated among other lion leaders.
The above service projects is a first of its kind in the recent past in the history of Lionism in Chennai and it is viewed as a great image building for Lionism in Chennai and Singapore.
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