We are all well aware that reusing cooking oil multiple times is a very serious health hazard which can lead to hypertension, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, liver diseases and other problems. Unfortunately, this is a rampant practice all over the country with the agents collecting the used cooking oil from the big hotels and restaurants after some filtering reaching it out to smaller hotels and again from there to the roadside vendors till it reaches the common man.
In an effort to save the public from this and also to help an environmental cause, FSSAI has launched Repurpose Used Cooking Oil (RUCO) initiative in tie up with Bio-Diesel Manufacturers across India, to enable the collection and conversion of used cooking oil to biodiesel. Biodiesel Manufacturers appoint aggregators location wise with the support of FSSAI to collect the Used Cooking Oils.
Ananda Oil Corporation (AOC), is the authorized aggregator for Madurai district to collect Used Cooking Oil from Food Business Operators (FBO) like restaurants, hotels etc. with the support of Food Safety Officers (FSO) of FSSAI.
FSSAI of Madurai through AOC distribute, RUCO (Repurpose Used Cooking Oil) labeled 25 Liters storage containers to Food Business Operators (FBO’s), where the used cooking oil gets stored, this will be recollected by AOC and supplied to Bio Diesel manufacturers for converting it to Biodiesel.
Interestingly, FBO’s like hotels are required to maintain record of oil purchased, used and collected/handed over to the approved Aggregator in a RUCO card provided by FSSAI. More than 300 hotels participating in this initiative have been given a sticker by FSSAI for prominent display in their premises. It is also to be noted that hotels/restaurants which do not enroll for this initiative do stand a possibility of their license being cancelled by FSSAI, given the serious health hazards of recycled used cooking oils.
The collected used cooking oil will be stored in the warehouse at Sikandar Chavady, Madurai. Later AOC will dispatch the UCO to biodiesel manufacturer.
It is common knowledge that Bio-diesel helps in not only extending the fossil fuel reserves but also helps the environment with lesser CO2 (Carbon-di-oxide) sulphur and other toxic emissions. This innovative initiative, RUCO – Repurpose Used Cooking Oil (meaning STOP in Hindi, because it stops reusing the cooking oil multiple times causing serious health hazards), not only helps save the common man but does contribute to reduced pollution as well!
Even the hoteliers and restaurants benefit from this because they get a better price from Ananda Oil Corporation for their used cooking oil – as against the prevailing market rates of anything from Rs. 8 to Rs. 15 per litre, Ananda Oil pays them Rs. 25 per kg of used cooking oil!
Any hotel or restaurant or any food processing unit using cooking oil, in and around Madurai, wanting to avail of the benefit of this initiative, may call or WhatsApp 9445517187.
Kudos to FSSAI Madurai and Ananda Oil Corporation for this laudable effort for improving the citizen’s health, reducing pollution and also benefiting the hotels and restaurants!!
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